Portrait Artist and Painter
Dear Visitor,
Welcome to my virtual Atelier. Here you will be visiting Galleries with some of my artworks, primarly focused on Portraits, field which I work on, with passion, since I was a child. Before you leave, please take a moment to sign my Guestbook...I would really appreciate it!

I am an artist who has decided to be a painter since he was a child. The fascination for portraiture as a magnificent expression of art is as inherent in me as the air I breathe. The characters I portray are filtered through my poetic vein and transposed onto canvas according to a precise biographical datum. My constant research consists in learning the history, the experience, the personal psychology of the model portrayed and tranfer all this in the painting. This happens through the choice of the pose, of the elements that combine to compose the work such as the clothes, references to the passions and interests of the character as well as to a precise and studied scenic location. My work does not cut ties with tradition but, on the contrary, it draws inspiration from it by connecting, modernizing it and bringing it into a suspended time, to act as a link between what has been and what will come.
A.E. Flury
Contemporary Portraits
Religious Paintings
Historical Portraits

Atelier del Maestro
Albert Edwin Flury
Via Amalfi, 10
20020 Villa Cortese, Milano
Tel. +39(0)331/43.29.64
P.IVA: 05468960967